►NBoard | |
CSystemClock | STM32G071RB running at 64MHz generated from the internal 16MHz crystal |
►Nmodm | |
►Naccessor | |
CFlash | |
CRam | |
►Nad7280a | |
CConversionValue | |
CRegisterValue | |
►Nallocator | |
CAllocatorBase | |
►CDynamic | |
Crebind | |
►Namnb | |
CAction | |
CDevice | |
CDeviceWrapper | |
CInterface | |
CListener | |
CNode | |
CResponse | |
CResult | |
►Natomic | |
CContainer | Atomic access to objects |
CFlag | Flag to signal events between interrupts and the main-loop |
CLock | |
CQueue | Interrupt save queue |
CUnlock | |
►Nbme280data | |
CCalibration | |
CData | |
CDataBase | |
CDataDouble | |
►Nbmp085data | |
CCalibration | |
CData | |
CDataBase | |
CDataDouble | |
►Ncan | |
CExtendedIdentifier | |
CExtendedMask | |
►CMessage | |
CFlags | |
CStandardIdentifier | |
CStandardMask | |
►Nchrono | |
Cmicro_clock | |
Cmilli_clock | |
►Ncolor | |
CBrightnessT | Brightness as unsigned integral. Add's the math for conversion to and from Color-Types. Use with: Grayscale Buffers, Dimmed LEDs, Brightness sensors |
CHsvT | Color in HSV Colorspace |
CRgb565 | |
CRgbT | |
►Ndetail | |
CMakeSigned< Vector< T, N > > | |
CMakeUnsigned< Vector< T, N > > | |
CWideType< Vector< T, N > > | |
►Nfiber | |
CScheduler | |
CStack | |
CTask | |
Cbarrier | |
Ccondition_variable_any | |
Ccounting_semaphore | |
Clatch | |
Cmutex | |
Conce_flag | |
Crecursive_mutex | |
Crecursive_timed_mutex | |
Cshared_mutex | |
Cshared_timed_mutex | |
Cstop_source | |
Cstop_state | |
Cstop_token | |
Ctimed_mutex | |
►Nfilter | |
CDebounce | Debouncing binary signals |
CFir | A finit impulse response (FIR) filter implementation |
CMedian | Median filter |
CMovingAverage | Moving average filter |
CRamp | Ramp |
►Ngui | |
CArrowButton | |
CAsyncEvent | |
CButtonWidget | |
CCheckboxWidget | |
CColorPalette | |
CDimension | |
CFilledAreaButton | |
CFloatField | |
CGuiViewStack | |
CInputEvent | |
CLabel | |
CNumberField | |
CNumberRocker | |
CStringField | |
CStringRocker | |
CTabPanel | |
CView | |
CWidget | |
CWidgetGroup | |
►Ninterpolation | |
CLagrange | |
CLinear | |
►Nixm42xxxdata | |
CData | |
►CFifoData | |
Citerator | |
CFifoPacket | |
►Nlog | Logger |
CDefaultStyle | This is an empty style |
CLogger | Interface to the Logger |
CPrefix | Add a prefix to the log message |
CStdColour | This style colours the given stream in the color given by the template argument |
CStyle | This is the interface to all style-classes of the logger |
CStyleWrapper | Wrapper to use the Style as a IODevice in the Logger |
►Nms5611data | |
CData | |
CDataBase | |
CProm | Holds the factory calibration data from the PROM. Upon initialization the driver automatically reads the calibration values from the PROM |
►Nms5837data | |
CData | |
CDataBase | |
CProm | Holds the factory calibration data from the PROM. Upon initialization the driver automatically reads the calibration values from the PROM |
►Nplatform | |
CAdc1 | |
CAdcInterrupt1 | |
CAdvancedControlTimer | |
CBasicTimer | |
CBitBangI2cMaster | |
CBitBangOneWireMaster | |
CBitBangSpiMaster | |
CBufferedUart | |
CComp1 | Comparator Class for STM32 |
CComp2 | Comparator Class for STM32 |
CCompBase | |
CDac1 | |
►CDac1Dma | |
CChannel1 | |
CChannel2 | |
CDma1 | |
►CDmaBase | |
CNvic | |
CNvic< 1 > | |
CDmaChannelHal | |
►CDmaController | |
CChannel | |
CDmaHal | |
CExti | |
CFaultReporter | |
CFlash | |
CFreeRtosBuffer | |
CGeneralPurposeTimer | |
CGpio | |
CGpioConnector | |
CGpioInverted | |
CGpioSet | |
CGpioStatic | |
►CGpioStatic< detail::DataUnused > | |
CBitBang | |
CBk | |
CBk2 | |
CCc1 | |
CCc2 | |
CCec | |
CCh1 | |
CCh1n | |
CCh2 | |
CCh2n | |
CCh3 | |
CCh3n | |
CCh4 | |
CCk | |
CCkin | |
CCts | |
CDbcc1 | |
CDbcc2 | |
CDe | |
CEtr | |
CFrstx1 | |
CFrstx2 | |
CIn0 | |
CIn1 | |
CIn10 | |
CIn11 | |
CIn15 | |
CIn16 | |
CIn17 | |
CIn18 | |
CIn2 | |
CIn3 | |
CIn4 | |
CIn5 | |
CIn6 | |
CIn7 | |
CIn8 | |
CIn9 | |
CInm | |
CInp | |
CLsco | |
CMck | |
CMco | |
CMiso | |
CMosi | |
CNss | |
COsc32en | |
COsc32in | |
COsc32out | |
COscen | |
COscin | |
COscout | |
COut | |
COut1 | |
COut2 | |
COutalarm | |
COutcalib | |
CPvdin | |
CRefin | |
CRts | |
CRx | |
CSck | |
CScl | |
CSd | |
CSda | |
CSmba | |
CSwclk | |
CSwdio | |
CTampin1 | |
CTampin2 | |
CTs | |
CTx | |
CWkup1 | |
CWkup2 | |
CWkup4 | |
CWkup5 | |
CWkup6 | |
CWs | |
CHeapTable | |
CI2cMaster1 | |
CI2cMaster2 | |
CI2cMasterTimings | |
CI2cParameters | |
CI2cTimingCalculator | |
CIwdg | |
CLpuartHal1 | |
►CRcc | |
CPllFactors | |
CRtc | |
CRtt | |
CRttBuffer | |
CRttControlBlock | |
CSoftwareGpioPort | |
CSpiBase | |
CSpiHal1 | |
CSpiHal2 | |
CSpiMaster1 | |
CSpiMaster1_Dma | |
CSpiMaster2 | |
CSpiMaster2_Dma | |
CSysTickTimer | |
CTimer1 | Advanced Control Timer 1 |
CTimer14 | |
CTimer15 | |
CTimer16 | |
CTimer17 | |
CTimer2 | |
CTimer3 | |
CTimer6 | Basic Timer 6 |
CTimer7 | Basic Timer 7 |
CUartBase | |
CUartRxBuffer | |
CUartRxBufferFreeRtos | |
CUartSpiMaster1 | |
CUartSpiMaster2 | |
CUartSpiMaster3 | |
CUartSpiMaster4 | |
CUartTxBuffer | |
CUartTxBufferFreeRtos | |
CUsartHal1 | |
CUsartHal2 | |
CUsartHal3 | |
CUsartHal4 | |
►Npt | |
CProtothread | |
CSemaphore | Counting semaphore |
►Nrtos | |
CBinarySemaphore | Binary semaphore |
CMutex | Mutex |
CMutexGuard | |
CQueue | Queue |
CScheduler | |
CSemaphore | Counting semaphore |
►CThread | Thread |
CLock | When created suspends all real time kernel activity while keeping interrupts (including the kernel tick) enabled |
►Nsab | |
CAction | Possible Action |
CCallable | Base-class for every object which should be used inside a callback |
CInterface | SAB interface |
CMaster | |
CResponse | Response object for an action call |
CSlave | SAB Slave |
CTransmitter | |
►Nsab2 | |
CInterface | SAB2 interface |
►Nui | |
CAnimation | |
CAnimationBase | |
CFastRamp | |
CIndicator | |
CKeyFrame | |
CKeyFrameAnimation | |
CLed | |
CPulse | |
CRgbLed | |
CStrobe | |
CAbstractMenu | Same as the AbstractView class, except it forces the developer to reimplement the handling of button presses |
CAbstractView | Base class for all screens handled by the ViewStack class |
CAd7280a | |
CAdc | |
CAdcInterrupt | |
CAdcSampler | |
CAds7843 | |
►CAms5915 | |
CData | |
CAngle | Collection of functions for handling of angles |
CApa102 | |
CArithmeticTraits | |
CAssertionInfo | Contains information about the failed assertion |
CAt24Mac402 | |
CBdHeap | Block device using heap (RAM) |
CBdMirror | Virtual block device consists of two mirrored block devices |
►CBdSpiFlash | Block device with SPI Flash |
CJedecId | |
CBdSpiStackFlash | SpiStack homogenoues memory |
CBigEndian | |
CBitBangEncoderInput | This driver decodes a AB (incremental) encoder signal |
CBitBangEncoderOutput | This driver generates a AB (incremental) encoder signal to emulate a hardware encoder with a microcontroller |
CBitbangMemoryInterface | Access external parallel memory with bit-bang mode |
CBlockAllocator | |
CBlockDevice | |
CBme280 | |
CBmi088I2cTransport | |
CBmi088SpiTransport | |
CBmi088TransportBase | |
►CBno055 | |
CData | |
►CBoundedDeque | Double ended queue |
Cconst_iterator | Bidirectional const iterator |
CBoundedQueue | Bounded queue |
CBoundedStack | Bounded stack |
CButton | Simple Button |
►CButtonGroup | |
CState | |
CCan | |
CCanBitTiming | |
CCanBitTimingConfiguration | |
CCanBitTimingMcp2515 | |
CCanLawicelFormatter | |
CCat24Aa | |
►CCharacterDisplay | |
CWriter | |
CChoiceMenu | Simmliar list like the Standard Menu. In the ChoiceMenu each entry is associated with a boolean variable, which can be changed by pressing the OK Button |
CChoiceMenuEntry | |
CCircle2D | Circle |
CColorGraphicDisplay | |
CCommunicatingView | |
CCommunicatingViewStack | |
CConfiguration | |
CCycleCounter | |
CDate | Calender Date and Time |
CDateTime | |
CDogL128 | EA DOGL128x-6 |
CDogM081 | EA DOGM081x-A |
CDogM128 | EA DOGM128x-6 |
CDogM132 | EA DOGM132x-5 |
CDogM162 | EA DOGM162x-A |
CDogM163 | EA DOGM163x-A |
CDogS102 | EA DOGS102-6 |
CDoublyLinkedList | Doubly-linked list |
►CDw3110 | |
COTPAddr | |
CRegister | |
CRegisterBank | |
CDw3110Phy | |
CDynamicArray | Dynamic Arrays |
CFiber | |
CFlags | |
CFlagsGroup< T... > | |
CFlagsOperators | |
CFt245 | |
►CFt6x06 | |
CData | |
Ctouch_t | |
CGenericPeriodicTimer | |
►CGenericPrescaler | |
CResult | |
►CGenericPrescalerCounter | |
CResult | |
CGenericTimeout | |
CGeometricTraits | Traits for all geometric classes |
CGeometricTraits< double > | |
CGeometricTraits< float > | |
CGeometricTraits< int16_t > | |
CGeometricTraits< int32_t > | |
CGeometricTraits< int8_t > | |
CGeometricTraits< uint8_t > | |
CGpio | |
CGpioExpander | |
CGpioExpanderPin | |
CGpioExpanderPort | |
CGpioIO | |
CGpioInput | |
CGpioOutput | |
CGpioPort | |
►CGraphicDisplay | |
CWriter | |
►CHclaX | |
CData | |
CHd44780 | |
CHd44780Base | |
CHd44780Dual | |
►CHmc58x3 | |
CData | |
►CHmc6343 | |
CData | |
CI2c | |
CI2cDevice | |
CI2cEeprom | |
CI2cMaster | |
CI2cMultiplexerChannel | |
CI2cReadTransaction | |
►CI2cTransaction | |
CReading | |
CStarting | |
CWriting | |
CI2cWriteReadTransaction | |
CI2cWriteTransaction | |
CIAbstractView | |
CIODevice | |
CIODeviceObjectWrapper | |
CIODeviceWrapper | |
CIOStream | |
►CIli9341ParallelInterface | |
CBatchHandle | |
►CIli9341SPIInterface | |
CBatchHandle | |
CIntegerAngle | |
►CItg3200 | |
CData | |
CIxm42xxx | |
CIxm42xxxTransportI2c | |
CIxm42xxxTransportSpi | |
►CL3gd20 | |
CData | |
CLUDecomposition | Class for decomposing matrices |
►CLan8720a | |
CRegister | |
CLine2D | Line |
CLineSegment2D | Line segment |
CLinkedList | Singly-linked list |
►CLis302dl | |
CData | |
CLis3TransportI2c | |
CLis3TransportSpi | |
►CLis3dsh | |
CData | |
CLittleEndian | |
►CLm75 | |
CData | |
CLocation2D | Location in a 2D coordinate system |
►CLsm303a | |
CData | |
CMAX6966 | MAX6966 10-channel, daisy-chainable, constant-current sink, 8bit PWM LED driver |
CMatrix | Class for handling common matrix operations |
CMax7219 | |
CMax7219Matrix | Driver for arrays of LED 8x8 Matrices driven by MAX7219 |
CMax7219MatrixHorizontal | |
CMcp23TransportI2c | |
CMcp23TransportSpi | |
CMcp2515 | Driver for the MPC2515 CAN controller |
CMcp7941xEeprom | |
CMemoryBus | |
CMenuEntry | Menu Entry of Standard Menu |
CMenuEntryCallback | |
►CMmc5603 | |
CData | |
CMonochromeGraphicDisplay | |
CMonochromeGraphicDisplayHorizontal | |
CMonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical | |
CNestedResumable | Resumable functions implemented via fibers are normal functions |
CNokia5110 | |
CNrf24Config | |
CNrf24ConfigParameters | |
►CNrf24Data | |
CFeedback | |
CHeader | Header of Frame |
CPacket | Data that will be sent over the air |
CNrf24Phy | |
CNrf24Register | |
CPair | Pair<FirstType, SecondType> is a heterogeneous pair |
CParallelTft | |
CPat9125elI2cTransport | |
CPca9548a | |
CPeripheralDriver | |
►CPid | A proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID controller) |
CParameter | Parameter for a PID calculation |
CPointSet2D | Point set |
CPolygon2D | Polygon |
CQuaternion | Quaternion |
CQueue | FIFO queue |
CRay2D | |
CRegister | |
CResumable | Resumable functions implemented via fibers are normal functions |
►CSCurveController | S-Curve trajectory generation with feedback |
CParameter | |
CSCurveGenerator | Trapezoidal S-Curve Trajectory |
CSaturated | Saturation arithmetic building on 'Integer-Overflow-Builtins' Implementation works with integer, unsigned integer and float or reference to them. Operators work with the same types or Saturated types of them |
►CScheduler | Scheduler |
CTask | Scheduler task |
CScrollableText | Scrolls the text if the required space of the string is less than the available |
CSh1106 | |
CSiemensS65Common | Driver for Siemens S65 displays |
CSiemensS65Landscape | |
CSiemensS65Portrait | |
CSiemensS75Common | |
CSiemensS75LandscapeLeft | |
CSiemensS75LandscapeRight | |
CSiemensS75Portrait | |
CSiemensS75PortraitUpsideDown | |
CSk6812w | |
CSmartPointer | Container which destroys itself when the last copy is destroyed |
CSpi | |
CSpiDevice | |
CSpiLock | |
CSpiMaster | |
CSt7036 | Driver for ST7036 based LC-displays |
CSt7565 | Driver for ST7565 based LC-displays |
CSt7586s | |
CSt7789 | |
CSt7789SPIInterface | |
CStack | LIFO stack |
CStandardMenu | StandardMenu provides a vertical list of entry |
CSx1276 | |
►CSx128x | |
►CBle | |
CModulationParams | |
CPacketParams | |
CPacketStatus | |
►CFlrc | |
CModulationParams | |
CPacketParams | |
CPacketStatus | |
►CGfsk | |
CModulationParams | |
CPacketParams | |
CPacketStatus | |
►CLoRa | |
CModulationParams | |
CPacketParams | |
CPacketStatus | |
CModulationParams | |
CPacketParams | |
CPacketStatus | |
►CRanging | |
CModulationParams | |
CPacketParams | |
CPacketStatus | |
CRxBufferStatus | |
CStatus | |
►CSx128xTransport | |
CCommand | |
CSx128xTransportSpi | |
CSx128xTransportUart | |
CTLC594X | |
CTask | |
►CTcs3414 | |
CData | |
►CTcs3472 | |
CData | |
CTerminal | |
CTftMemoryBus16Bit | |
CTftMemoryBus8Bit | |
CTftMemoryBus8BitGpio | |
►CTmp102 | |
CData | |
CTmp12x | |
CTmp12xTemperature | |
CTmp175 | |
►CUart | |
CRxBuffer | |
CTxBuffer | |
CUartDevice | |
CUnixTime | |
CValue | |
CVector | Class for handling common point operations |
CVector< T, 1 > | Class for handling common vector operations (1D) |
CVector< T, 2 > | Class for handling common vector operations (2D) |
CVector< T, 3 > | Class for handling common vector operations (3D) |
CVector< T, 4 > | Class for handling common vector operations (4D) |
CViewStack | Stack which handles the displaying of views on the graphic display |
CVirtualGraphicDisplay | |
►CVl53l0 | |
CData | |
CTimeOverhead | |
►CVl6180 | |
CData | |
CWs2812b | |
►Cad7928 | |
CData | |
Cadis16470 | |
Cadns9800 | |
►Cads101x | |
CData | |
►Cads7828 | |
CData | |
Cads816x | |
Cas5047 | |
Cas5600 | |
►Cbmi088 | |
CAccData | |
CGyroData | |
Cbmp085 | |
Cdrv832xSpi | |
►Cds1302 | |
CConfig | |
CData | |
Cds1631 | |
Cds18b20 | Measurement resolution setting |
Cfits_any | |
Chas_to_chars | |
Chas_to_chars< T, std::void_t< decltype (to_chars (std::declval< const T & >()))> > | |
Chmc5843 | |
Chmc5883 | |
►Chx711 | |
CConfig | |
Ci2cMultiplexer | |
Cili9341 | |
Cinplace_any | |
Cinplace_function< R (Args...), Capacity, Alignment > | |
►Cis31fl3733 | |
CLedData | |
Clis3mdl | |
Clp503x | |
Clsm6ds33 | |
Clsm6dso | |
►Cltc2984 | |
►CConfiguration | |
CRsense | |
CRtd | |
CData | |
►Cmax31855 | |
CData | |
►Cmax31865 | |
CData | |
CPt | |
Cmcp23x17 | |
Cmcp3008 | |
►Cmcp7941x | |
CDateTime | Days, months, etc. are decoded (BCD) in this struct |
►Cmcp990x | |
CData | |
Cms5611 | |
Cms5837 | |
Cpat9125el | |
Cpca8574 | |
Cpca9535 | |
Cpca9685 | |
Cssd1306 | |
Cssd1306_register | |
►Cstts22h | |
CData | |
►Cstusb4500 | |
CRdoRegStatusData | |
►Ctouch2046 | |
CCalibration | |
Cuint_t | |
Cunaligned_t | |
►Nmodm_test | |
►Nchrono | |
Cmicro_clock | |
Cmilli_clock | |
►Nplatform | |
CCanDriver | |
CIODevice | |
CSpiMaster | |
CFakeIODevice | |
CSharedMedium | |
CSpiDevice | |
CTransmission | |
►Nunittest | |
CCountType | Data type to count the number of constructor etc. calls |
CReporter | Reporter |
CTestSuite | Base class for every test suite |
►Nxpcc | |
CAbstractComponent | Abstract base class for a component |
CActionResult | |
CActionResult< void > | |
CBackendInterface | The BackendInterface provides a common interface for using different hardware modules to transmit messages |
►CCanConnector | The CAN connector to the XPCC communication |
CReceiveListItem | |
CSendListItem | |
CCanConnectorBase | |
CCommunicatable | Base class for all classed which need to communicate |
CCommunicatableTask | |
CCommunicator | A adapter class which can be obtained from a AbstractComponent |
CDispatcher | |
CDynamicPostman | |
CHeader | Header of a packet |
CPostman | Postman interface |
CResponseCallback | Callback type, which has to be passed to communication during actioncall in order to be able to receive a response |
CResponseHandle | Response to an action call |
CAd7280aTest | |
CAmnbMessageTest | |
CAmnbTestMessage | |
CAngleTest | |
CArithmeticTraitsTest | |
CArray | |
CArray3 | |
CAtomicsTest | |
CBcdTest | |
CBitOperationTest | |
CBlockAllocatorTest | |
CBme280Test | |
CBmp085Test | |
CBoundedDequeTest | |
CBoundedQueueTest | |
CBoundedStackTest | |
CButtonGroupTest | |
CButtonTest | |
CCanBitTimingsTest | |
CCanConnectorBaseTest | |
CCanConnectorTest | |
CCanLawicelFormatterTest | |
CCircle2DTest | |
CColorTest | |
CConditionVariableTest | |
CCs | |
CCxaGuardTest | |
CData | |
CDateTimeTest | |
CDebounceTest | |
CDelayTest | |
CDispatcherTest | Test of the central part of the communication |
CDoublyLinkedListTest | |
CDrv832xSpiTest | |
CDummySpi | |
CDurationTest | |
CDynamicArrayTest | |
CElfNoteSection_t | |
CEndiannessTest | |
CFakeBackend | |
CFakePostman | |
CFiberGuardTest | |
CFiberMutexTest | |
CFiberSemaphoreTest | |
CFiberTest | |
CFirTest | |
CInplaceAnyTest | |
CInterfaceTest | |
CIoStreamTest | |
CLagrangeInterpolationTest | |
CLatchBarrierTest | |
CLine2DTest | |
CLinearInterpolationTest | |
CLineSegment2DTest | |
CLinkedListTest | |
CLocation2DTest | |
CLtc2984Test | |
CLUDecompositionTest | |
CMatrixTest | |
CMatrixVectorTest | |
CMcp2515CanBitTimingsTest | |
CMedianTest | |
CMessage | |
Cmodm_context_t | The fiber context stores information about the stack |
Cmodm_packed | |
CModmHardware | |
CMovingAverageTest | |
COperatorTest | |
CPairTest | |
CPeriodicTimerTest | |
CPidTest | |
CPointSet2DTest | |
CPolygon2DTest | |
CPrescalerCounterTest | |
CPrescalerTest | |
CQmc5883l | |
►CQmc5883lRegisters | |
CData | |
CQuaternionTest | |
CRampTest | |
CRangeTest | |
CRay2DTest | |
CSaturationTest | |
CSchedulerTest | |
CSCurveControllerTest | |
CSCurveGeneratorTest | |
CSlaveTest | |
CSpiDeviceTest | |
CStaticClass | |
Ctable_pool_t | |
CTest | |
CTestingCanConnector | |
CTestingComponent1 | |
CTestingComponent2 | |
CTestPin | |
CTestTask | |
►CTimeline | |
CEvent | |
CTimeoutTest | |
CTimeTest | |
CTmp12xTest | |
CVector1Test | |
CVector2Test | |
CVector3Test | |
CVector4Test | |
CVectorTest | |