| Sh1106 (uint8_t address=0x3C) |
| Ssd1306 (uint8_t address=0x3C) |
IOStream & | ascii () |
| set the output mode to ASCII style for integer types
void | attachConfigurationHandler (I2c::ConfigurationHandler handler) |
IOStream & | bin () |
| set the output mode to binary style for integer types
void | clear () final |
void | clearPixel (int16_t x, int16_t y) final |
void | clearPixel (glcd::Point p) |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | configureScroll (uint8_t origin, uint8_t size, ScrollDirection direction, ScrollStep steps) |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | disableScroll () |
void | drawCircle (glcd::Point center, uint16_t radius) |
void | drawEllipse (glcd::Point center, int16_t rx, int16_t ry) |
void | drawImage (glcd::Point start, modm::accessor::Flash< uint8_t > image) |
void | drawImageRaw (glcd::Point start, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, modm::accessor::Flash< uint8_t > data) final |
void | drawLine (glcd::Point start, glcd::Point end) |
void | drawLine (int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2) |
void | drawRectangle (glcd::Point start, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) |
void | drawRectangle (int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) |
void | drawRoundedRectangle (glcd::Point start, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t radius) |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | enableScroll () |
IOStream & | endl () |
virtual void | fillCircle (glcd::Point center, uint16_t radius) |
void | fillRectangle (glcd::Point start, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) |
void | fillRectangle (int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) |
IOStream & | flush () |
IOStream & | get (char &c) |
| Reads one character and returns it if available. Otherwise, returns IOStream::eof.
IOStream & | get (char *s, size_t n) |
template<size_t N> |
IOStream & | get (char (&s)[N]) |
std::size_t | getBufferHeight () const final |
std::size_t | getBufferWidth () const final |
glcd::Point | getCursor () const |
uint8_t | getFontHeight () const |
uint16_t | getHeight () const final |
bool | getPixel (int16_t x, int16_t y) const final |
uint16_t | getStringWidth (const char *s) const |
uint16_t | getWidth () const final |
IOStream & | hex () |
| set the output mode to hexadecimal style for integer types
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | initialize () |
| initializes for 3V3 with charge-pump asynchronously
bool | initializeBlocking () |
| initializes for 3V3 with charge-pump
bool | isWritable () |
IOStream & | operator<< (const bool &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const char &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const uint8_t &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const int16_t &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const uint16_t &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const int32_t &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const uint32_t &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const int64_t &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const uint64_t &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const int &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const unsigned int &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const float &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const double &v) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const char *s) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const std::string_view sv) |
IOStream & | operator<< (const void *p) |
| write the hex value of a pointer
template<class Ret , class... Args> |
IOStream & | operator<< (Ret (*pointer)(Args...)) |
| Write the hex value of any function pointer.
IOStream & | operator<< (IOStream &(*format)(IOStream &)) |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | ping () |
bool | pingBlocking () |
| Pings the display.
IOStream & | printf (const char *fmt,...))) |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | read (uint8_t *buffer, std::size_t size) |
| Starts a write transaction and waits until finished.
void | setAddress (uint8_t address) |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | setContrast (uint8_t contrast=0xCE) |
void | setCursor (glcd::Point position) |
void | setCursor (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
void | setCursorX (int16_t x) |
void | setCursorY (int16_t y) |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | setDisplayMode (DisplayMode mode=DisplayMode::Normal) |
void | setFont (const uint8_t *newFont) |
void | setFont (const modm::accessor::Flash< uint8_t > *font) |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | setOrientation (glcd::Orientation orientation) |
void | setPixel (int16_t x, int16_t y) final |
void | setPixel (glcd::Point p) |
void | update () override |
| Update the display with the content of the RAM buffer.
virtual void | update () = 0 |
IOStream & | vprintf (const char *fmt, va_list vlist))) |
void | write (char c) |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | write (const uint8_t *buffer, std::size_t size) |
| Starts a write transaction and waits until finished.
virtual modm::ResumableResult< bool > | writeDisplay () |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | writeRead (const uint8_t *writeBuffer, std::size_t writeSize, uint8_t *readBuffer, std::size_t readSize) |
| Starts a write-read transaction and waits until finished.
enum | AdressingCommands : uint8_t {
MemoryMode = 0x20,
ColumnAddress = 0x21,
PageAddress = 0x22,
PageStartAddress = 0xB0,
LowerColumnStartAddress = 0x00,
HigherColumnStartAddress = 0x10
} |
enum | ChargePump : uint8_t { DISABLE = 0x00,
V7_5 = 0x14,
V8_5 = 0x94,
V9 = 0x95
} |
enum | FundamentalCommands : uint8_t {
ContrastControl = 0x81,
EntireDisplayResumeToRam = 0xA4,
EntireDisplayIgnoreRam = 0xA5,
NormalDisplay = 0xA6,
InvertedDisplay = 0xA7,
DisplayOff = 0xAE,
DisplayOn = 0xAF
} |
enum | HardwareConfigCommands : uint8_t {
DisplayStartLine = 0x40,
SegmentRemap0 = 0xA0,
SegmentRemap127 = 0xA1,
MultiplexRatio = 0xA8,
ComOutputScanDirectionIncrement = 0xC0,
ComOutputScanDirectionDecrement = 0xC8,
DisplayOffset = 0xD3,
ComPinsOrder = 0xDA
} |
enum | MemoryMode : uint8_t { HORIZONTAL = 0,
PAGE = 2
} |
enum | ScrollingCommands : uint8_t {
HorizontalScrollRight = 0x26,
HorizontalScrollLeft = 0x27,
VerticalAndHorizontalScrollRight = 0x29,
VerticalAndHorizontalScrollLeft = 0x2A,
VerticalScrollArea = 0xA3,
DisableScroll = 0x2E,
EnableScroll = 0x2F
} |
enum | TimingAndDrivingCommands : uint8_t {
ChargePump = 0x8D,
DisplayClockDivideRatio = 0xD5,
PreChargePeriod = 0xD9,
V_DeselectLevel = 0xDB,
Nop = 0xE3
} |
enum | Transfer : uint8_t { COMMAND_BURST = 0x00,
DATA_BURST = 0x40,
COMMAND = 0x80,
DATA = 0xC0
} |
modm::ResumableResult< void > | startWriteDisplay () override |
modm::ResumableResult< void > | initializeMemoryMode () override |
void | drawCircle4 (glcd::Point center, int16_t x, int16_t y) |
| helper method for drawCircle() and drawEllipse()
void | drawHorizontalLine (glcd::Point start, uint16_t length) final |
void | drawVerticalLine (glcd::Point start, uint16_t length) final |
int8_t | getResumableDepth () const |
bool | isResumableRunning () const |
bool | isTransactionRunning () |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | runTransaction () |
| Starts our own transaction and waits until finished.
bool | startRead (uint8_t *buffer, std::size_t size) |
| Configures the transaction with a read operation and starts it.
bool | startTransaction () |
| Starts the transaction with our own transaction object.
bool | startTransaction (modm::I2cTransaction *transaction) |
| Starts the transaction with a separate transaction object.
bool | startWrite (const uint8_t *buffer, std::size_t size) |
| Configures the transaction with a write operation and starts it.
bool | startWriteRead (const uint8_t *writeBuffer, std::size_t writeSize, uint8_t *readBuffer, std::size_t readSize) |
| Configures the transaction with a write/read operation and starts it.
void | stopResumable () |
bool | wasTransactionSuccessful () |
void | writeBin (uint8_t value) |
modm::ResumableResult< bool > | writeCommands (std::size_t length) |
void | writeDouble (const double &value) |
void | writeFloat (float value) |
void | writeHex (uint8_t value) |
void | writeInteger (int16_t value) |
void | writeInteger (uint16_t value) |
void | writeInteger (int32_t value) |
void | writeInteger (uint32_t value) |
void | writeInteger (int64_t value) |
void | writeInteger (uint64_t value) |
template<typename T > |
void | writeIntegerMode (const T v) |
void | writePointer (const void *value) |
template<class I2cMaster, uint8_t Height = 64>
class modm::Sh1106< I2cMaster, Height >
SH1106 is said to be 'compatible' with SSD1306. However there's a relevant difference: SH1106 does only support MemoryMode::PAGE. This requires a little more extensive writeDisplay() routine. We have to alternate between setting Page-address and sending page-data instead of sending the whole buffer at once like is for SSD1306 in MemoryMode::HORIZONTAL / MemoryMode::VERTICAL