typedef modm::Configuration< Control1_t, AccDataRate, Bit7|Bit6|Bit5|Bit4 > | AccDataRate_t |
typedef modm::Configuration< Control1_t, AccScale, Bit3|Bit2 > | AccScale_t |
typedef modm::Configuration< Control1_t, AccAABandwith, Bit3|Bit2 > | AccAABandwith_t |
typedef modm::Configuration< Control2_t, GyroDataRate, Bit7|Bit6|Bit5|Bit4 > | GyroDataRate_t |
typedef modm::Configuration< Control2_t, GyroScale, Bit3|Bit2|Bit1 > | GyroScale_t |
typedef modm::Configuration< Control7_t, GyroHPCutoff, Bit5|Bit4 > | GyroHPCutoff_t |
typedef modm::Configuration< Control8_t, AccHPCutoff, Bit5|Bit4 > | AccHPCutoff_t |
enum | Register : uint8_t {
Register::FIFO_CTRL1 = 0x06,
Register::FIFO_CTRL2 = 0x07,
Register::FIFO_CTRL3 = 0x08,
Register::FIFO_CTRL4 = 0x09,
Register::FIFO_CTRL5 = 0x0A,
Register::ORIENT_CFG_G = 0x0B,
Register::INT1_CTRL = 0x0D,
Register::INT2_CTRL = 0x0E,
Register::WHO_AM_I = 0x0F,
Register::CTRL1 = 0x10,
Register::CTRL2 = 0x11,
Register::CTRL3 = 0x12,
Register::CTRL4 = 0x13,
Register::CTRL5 = 0x14,
Register::CTRL6 = 0x15,
Register::CTRL7 = 0x16,
Register::CTRL8 = 0x17,
Register::CTRL9 = 0x18,
Register::CTRL10 = 0x19,
Register::STATUS = 0x1E,
Register::OUT_TEMP_L = 0x20,
Register::OUT_TEMP_H = 0x21,
Register::OUT_X_L_G = 0x22,
Register::OUT_X_H_G = 0x23,
Register::OUT_Y_L_G = 0x24,
Register::OUT_Y_H_G = 0x25,
Register::OUT_Z_L_G = 0x26,
Register::OUT_Z_H_G = 0x27,
Register::OUT_X_L_XL = 0x28,
Register::OUT_X_H_XL = 0x29,
Register::OUT_Y_L_XL = 0x2A,
Register::OUT_Y_H_XL = 0x2B,
Register::OUT_Z_L_XL = 0x2C,
Register::OUT_Z_H_XL = 0x2D,
Register::FIFO_STATUS1 = 0x3A,
Register::FIFO_STATUS2 = 0x3B,
Register::FIFO_STATUS3 = 0x3C,
Register::FIFO_STATUS4 = 0x3D,
Register::FIFO_DATA_OUT_L = 0x3E,
Register::FIFO_DATA_OUT_H = 0x3F
} |
enum | Control1 : uint8_t {
Control1::ODR3_XL = Bit7,
Control1::ODR2_XL = Bit6,
Control1::ODR1_XL = Bit5,
Control1::ODR0_XL = Bit4,
Control1::FS1_XL = Bit3,
Control1::FS0_XL = Bit2,
Control1::BW1_XL = Bit1,
Control1::BW0_XL = Bit0
} |
| Control register for the acceleration sensor. More...
enum | AccDataRate : uint8_t {
AccDataRate::Off = 0x00,
AccDataRate::Rate_13_Hz = 0x10,
AccDataRate::Rate_26_Hz = 0x20,
AccDataRate::Rate_52_Hz = 0x30,
AccDataRate::Rate_104_Hz = 0x40,
AccDataRate::Rate_208_Hz = 0x50,
AccDataRate::Rate_416_Hz = 0x60,
AccDataRate::Rate_833_Hz = 0x70,
AccDataRate::Rate_1666_Hz = 0x80,
AccDataRate::Rate_3332_Hz = 0x90,
AccDataRate::Rate_6664_Hz = 0xA0
} |
| Output Data Rates for the Acceleration sensor. More...
enum | AccScale : uint8_t { AccScale::Scale_2_G = 0x00,
AccScale::Scale_4_G = 0x08,
AccScale::Scale_8_G = 0x0C,
AccScale::Scale_16_G = 0x04
} |
| Full scale of the acceleration sensor data output. More...
enum | AccAABandwith : uint8_t { AccAABandwith::Bw_400_Hz = 0x00,
AccAABandwith::Bw_200_Hz = 0x01,
AccAABandwith::BW_100_Hz = 0x02,
AccAABandwith::Bw_50_Hz = 0x03
} |
| Anti aliasing filter bandwith for the acceleration sensor (only used when Control Register 4, Bit 7 is 1) More...
enum | Control2 : uint8_t {
Control2::ODR3_G = Bit7,
Control2::ODR2_G = Bit6,
Control2::ODR1_G = Bit5,
Control2::ODR0_G = Bit4,
Control2::FS2_G = Bit3,
Control2::FS1_G = Bit2,
Control2::FS0_G = Bit1
} |
| Control Register 2 for the Gyroscope. More...
enum | GyroDataRate : uint8_t {
GyroDataRate::Off = 0x00,
GyroDataRate::Rate_13_Hz = 0x10,
GyroDataRate::Rate_26_Hz = 0x20,
GyroDataRate::Rate_52_Hz = 0x30,
GyroDataRate::Rate_104_Hz = 0x40,
GyroDataRate::Rate_208_Hz = 0x50,
GyroDataRate::Rate_416_Hz = 0x60,
GyroDataRate::Rate_833_Hz = 0x70,
GyroDataRate::Rate_1666_Hz = 0x80
} |
| Output Data Rates for the gyroscope. More...
enum | GyroScale : uint8_t {
GyroScale::Scale_125_dps = 0x02,
GyroScale::Scale_245_dps = 0x00,
GyroScale::Scale_500_dps = 0x04,
GyroScale::Scale_1000_dps = 0x08,
GyroScale::Scale_2000_dps = 0x0C
} |
| Full scale of the gyroscope data output. More...
enum | Control3 : uint8_t {
Control3::BOOT = Bit7,
Control3::BDU = Bit6,
Control3::H_LACTIVE = Bit5,
Control3::PP_OD = Bit4,
Control3::SIM = Bit3,
Control3::IF_INC = Bit2,
Control3::BLE = Bit1,
Control3::SW_RESET = Bit0
} |
| Control Register 3. More...
enum | Control4 : uint8_t { Control4::XL_BW_SCAL_ODR = Bit7,
Control4::SLEEP_G = Bit6,
Control4::INT2_on_INT1 = Bit5,
Control4::FIFO_TEMP_EN = Bit4
} |
| Control Register 4. More...
enum | Control6 : uint8_t { Control6::TRIG_EN = Bit7,
Control6::LVL_EN = Bit6,
Control6::LVL2_EN = Bit5,
Control6::XL_HM_MODE = Bit4
} |
| Control Register 6. More...
enum | Control7 : uint8_t {
Control7::G_HM_MODE = Bit7,
Control7::HP_G_EN = Bit6,
Control7::HP_CF_G1 = Bit5,
Control7::HP_CF_G0 = Bit4,
Control7::HP_G_RST = Bit3
} |
| Control Register 7. More...
enum | GyroHPCutoff : uint8_t { GyroHPCutoff::Cutoff_0_0081_Hz = 0x00,
GyroHPCutoff::Cutoff_0_0324_Hz = 0x10,
GyroHPCutoff::Cutoff_2_07_Hz = 0x20,
GyroHPCutoff::Cutoff_16_32_Hz = 0x30
} |
| High-pass cutoff frequency selection for the gyroscope. More...
enum | Control8 : uint8_t { Control8::LPF_XL_EN = Bit7,
Control8::HP_CF_XL1 = Bit6,
Control8::HP_CF_XL0 = Bit5,
Control8::HP_SLOPE_XL_EN = Bit3
} |
| Control Register 8. More...
enum | AccHPCutoff : uint8_t { AccHPCutoff::Cutoff_DIV_50 = 0x00,
AccHPCutoff::Cutoff_DIV_100 = 0x10,
AccHPCutoff::Cutoff_DIV_9 = 0x20,
AccHPCutoff::Cutoff_DIV_400 = 0x30
} |
| High-pass cutoff frequency selection for the gyroscope. More...
enum | Control9 : uint8_t { Control9::Z_EN_XL = Bit5,
Control9::X_EN_XL = Bit4,
Control9::Y_EN_XL = Bit3
} |
| Control Register 9. More...
enum | Control10 : uint8_t { Control10::Z_EN_G = Bit5,
Control10::X_EN_G = Bit4,
Control10::Y_EN_G = Bit3
} |
| Control Register 10. More...
enum | Status : uint8_t { Status::EV_BOOT = Bit3,
Status::TDA = Bit2,
Status::GDA = Bit1,
Status::XLDA = Bit0
} |
| STATUS is read-only. More...