modm API documentation
External Device Drivers


 AD7280A Lithium Ion Battery Monitoring System
 AD79x8 ADC
 ADC Sampler
 ADIS16470 Inertial Measurement Unit
 ADNS-9800 Laser Motion Sensor
 ADS101x ADC
 ADS7828 ADC
 ADS7843 Resistive Touch Controller
 ADS816x ADC
 AMS 5915 Pressure Sensor
 APA102 RGB LED Driver
 AS5047 14 bit Absolute Encoder SPI Driver
 AS5600 10 bit absolute encoder I2C driver
 Block Allocator
 Block Devices
 BME280 Pressure Sensor
 BMI088 Inertial Measurement Unit
 BMP085 Pressure Sensor
 BNO055 9-DOF Inertial Measurement Unit
 CAT24AAxx I2C Eeprom
 Cycle Counter
 DRV832xS: Three-Phase Smart Gate Driver
 DS1302 Real-Time Clock
 DS1x31 Temperature Sensor
 1-Wire Thermometer
 DW3110 Drivers
 EA-DOG Displays
 Quadrature Encoder Input
 Quadrature Encoder Input using STM32 general purpose Timer
 Quadrature Encoder Output
 FT6x06 Capacitive Touch Controller
 Gpio Sampling via Interrupts
 HCLA Pressure Sensor
 HD44780 Displays
 HMC58x3 3-Axis Digital Magnetometer
 HMC6343 3-Axis Compass
 HX711 Load Cell Amplifier and ADC
 I2C Eeprom
 ILI9341 Display with parallel and SPI bus transports
 IS31FL3733 Matrix Driver
 ITG3200 Digital Gyroscope
 InvenSense 6-Axis IMU
 L3GD20 3-Axis Gyroscope
 LAN8720A Ethernet Transceiver
 Lawicel Format Converter
 LIS3xx Transport Layer
 LIS302DL 3-Axis Accelerometer
 LIS3DSH 3-Axis Accelerometer
 LIS3MDL Magnetic Sensor
 LM75 Thermometer
 LP503x 30/36 channel LED PWM driver
 LSM303DLHC 3-Axis Accelerometer
 LSM6DS33 always-on 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope
 LSM6DSO 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope
 LTC298x Thermometer
 MAX31855 Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
 MAX31865 RTD-to-Digital Converter
 MAX6966 8-bit PWM Driver
 MAX7219 Display
 MCP23x17 16-Bit I/O Expander
 MPC2515 External CAN Controller
 MCP3004/MCP3008 ADC
 Minimal driver for MCP9902/3/4 temperature sensor.
 Parallel Busses
 MMC5603 3-Axis Digital Magnetometer
 MS5611 Barometric Pressure Sensor
 MS5837 Pressure Sensor
 Nokia 5110 Displays
 NRF24 Drivers
 Parallel Bus TFT Display
 PAT9125EL Motion Sensor
 PCA8574 8-Bit I/O Expander
 PCA9535 16-Bit I/O Expander
 PCA9548A/TCA9548A I2C Switch
 PCA9685 12-bit PWM Driver
 QMC5883L 3-Axis Digital Magnetometer
 SH1106 Display
 Siemens S65 Display
 Siemens S75/CX75/C81/M75 Display
 SK6812 RGBW Driver
 SK9822 RGB LED Driver
 SSD1306 Display
 ST7586S 4-level grayscale LCD controller
 ST7789 full-color LCD controller
 STTS22H temperature sensor
 STUSB4500 USB PD controller
 Semtech SX1276 Driver
 Semtech SX1280/SX1281 Driver
 TCS3414 Digital Color Sensor
 TCS3472X Digital Color Sensor
 Terminal Output
 TLC594* 12-bit PWM Driver
 TMP102 Thermometer
 TMP121/123/125 Thermometer
 TMP175 Thermometer
 TSC2046/x2046 Resistive Touch Controller
 VL53L0X Proximity Sensor
 VL6180X Proximity Sensor
 WS2812 Driver

Detailed Description

lbuild module: modm:driver