modm API documentation

#include <modm/architecture/interface/spi_master.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for modm::SpiMaster:
modm::PeripheralDriver modm::Spi modm::platform::BitBangSpiMaster< Sck, Mosi, Miso > modm_test::platform::SpiMaster

Public Typedefs

using ConfigurationHandler = void (*)()
 The signature of the configuration function.

Public Types

enum  DataMode : uint8_t { DataMode::Mode0 = 0b00, DataMode::Mode1 = 0b01, DataMode::Mode2 = 0b10, DataMode::Mode3 = 0b11 }
 Spi Data Mode, Mode0 is the most common mode. More...
enum  DataOrder : uint8_t { MsbFirst = 0b0, LsbFirst = 0b1 }
 Spi Data Order, MsbFirst is the most common mode.

Static Public Member Functions

template<class... Signals>
static void connect ()
template<class SystemClock , baudrate_t baudrate, percent_t tolerance = 5_pct>
static void initialize ()
static void setDataMode (DataMode mode)
 Sets a new data mode.
static void setDataOrder (DataOrder order)
 Sets a new data order.
static uint8_t acquire (void *ctx, ConfigurationHandler handler=nullptr)
static uint8_t release (void *ctx)
static uint8_t transferBlocking (uint8_t data)
static void transferBlocking (const uint8_t *tx, uint8_t *rx, std::size_t length)
static modm::ResumableResult< uint8_t > transfer (uint8_t data)
static modm::ResumableResult< void > transfer (const uint8_t *tx, uint8_t *rx, std::size_t length)
static void acknowledgeInterruptFlag ()
template<uint64_t available, uint64_t requested, percent_t tolerance>
static void assertBaudrateInTolerance ()
template<double available, double requested, percent_t tolerance>
static void assertDurationInTolerance ()
static void configurePurpose ()
 configures a peripheral for a specific purpose
static bool getInterruptFlag ()
 Read an interrupt flag.
static void getParameter ()
 returns a parameter
static void initialize ()
 initializes the peripheral, must be called before use.
static void setParameter ()
 sets a parameter

Detailed Description

Interface for a Spi Master with resource management, which allows to synchronize multiple drivers requesting hardware access.

Niklas Hauser

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum modm::Spi::DataMode : uint8_t

Spi Data Mode, Mode0 is the most common mode.

Enum ValuesDocumentation

clock normal, sample on rising edge


clock normal, sample on falling edge


clock inverted, sample on falling edge


clock inverted, sample on rising edge

Member Function Documentation

static void modm::PeripheralDriver::acknowledgeInterruptFlag ( )

Acknowledge an interrupt flag.

We use acknowledge here, since it describes the intention rather than the actual implementation.

static uint8_t modm::SpiMaster::acquire ( void *  ctx,
ConfigurationHandler  handler = nullptr 

Request access to the spi master within a context. You may acquire the spi master multiple times within the same context.

The configuration handler will only be called when aquiring the spi master for the first time (if it is not a nullptr).

Aquires must be balanced with releases of the same context!
Aquires are persistent even after calling initialize()!
0 if another context is using the spi master, otherwise >0 as the number of times this context acquired the master.
template<uint64_t available, uint64_t requested, percent_t tolerance>
static void modm::PeripheralDriver::assertBaudrateInTolerance ( )

Since baudrates are usually generated by prescaling a system clock, only several distinct values can be generated. This method checks if the user requested baudrate is within error tolerance of the system achievable baudrate.

template<class... Signals>
static void modm::SpiMaster::connect ( )

Connect GPIOs to the peripheral and configure them.

This configures the Sck, Mosi and Miso signals and connects them.

Template Parameters
SignalsOne Scl and one Mosi signal are required (one Miso signal is optional) and can be passed out-of-order.
template<class SystemClock , baudrate_t baudrate, percent_t tolerance = 5_pct>
static void modm::SpiMaster::initialize ( )

Initializes the hardware and sets the baudrate.

Template Parameters
SystemClockthe currently active system clock
baudratethe desired baudrate in Hz
tolerancethe allowed relative tolerance for the resulting baudrate
static uint8_t modm::SpiMaster::release ( void *  ctx)

Release access to the spi master within a context.

Releases must be balanced with acquires of the same context!
Releases are persistent even after calling initialize()!
0 if nothing can be released anymore (for any context) >0 as the number of times this context can still release the master.
static modm::ResumableResult<void> modm::SpiMaster::transfer ( const uint8_t *  tx,
uint8_t *  rx,
std::size_t  length 

Set the data buffers and length with options and starts a non-blocking transfer. This may be hardware accelerated (DMA or Interrupt), but not guaranteed.

You must call this inside a Protothread or Resumable using PT_CALL or RF_CALL respectively.

These methods differ from Resumables by lacking context protection! You must ensure that only one driver is accessing this resumable function by using acquire(ctx) and release(ctx).
[in]txpointer to transmit buffer, set to nullptr to send dummy bytes
[out]rxpointer to receive buffer, set to nullptr to discard received bytes
lengthnumber of bytes to be shifted out
static modm::ResumableResult<uint8_t> modm::SpiMaster::transfer ( uint8_t  data)

Swap a single byte and wait for completion non-blocking!.

You must call this inside a Protothread or Resumable using PT_CALL or RF_CALL respectively.

These methods differ from Resumables by lacking context protection! You must ensure that only one driver is accessing this resumable function by using acquire(ctx) and release(ctx).
datadata to be sent
received data
static void modm::SpiMaster::transferBlocking ( const uint8_t *  tx,
uint8_t *  rx,
std::size_t  length 

Set the data buffers and length with options and starts a transfer. This may be hardware accelerated (DMA or Interrupt), but not guaranteed.

[in]txpointer to transmit buffer, set to nullptr to send dummy bytes
[out]rxpointer to receive buffer, set to nullptr to discard received bytes
lengthnumber of bytes to be shifted out
static uint8_t modm::SpiMaster::transferBlocking ( uint8_t  data)

Swap a single byte and wait for completion.

datadata to be sent
received data

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