modm API documentation
modm::amnb::Listener Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

template<typename L , typename F = get_callable_signature_t<std::remove_cvref_t<L>>>
 Listener (int command, L &&listener)

Protected Typedefs

template<class Signature >
using function = modm::inplace_function< Signature, MODM_AMNB_HANDLER_STORAGE, alignof (void *)>
using Storage = modm::inplace_any< MODM_AMNB_HANDLER_STORAGE+sizeof (void *)>
using Redirect = void (const Message &, Storage *)

Protected Member Functions

auto getRedirect (void (*)(uint8_t))
template<typename T >
auto getRedirect (void (*)(uint8_t, const T &))
auto getRedirect (void (*)(uint8_t, const uint8_t *, size_t))
void call (const Message &msg)

Protected Attributes

const uint8_t command
Storage callback
Redirect *const redirect


template<size_t , size_t >
class Node

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