modm API documentation
Software Timers


class  modm::GenericPeriodicTimer< Clock, Duration >
enum  modm::TimerState : uint8_t { Stopped = 0b001, Expired = 0b010, Armed = 0b100 }
 Possible states of a timeout.
using modm::ShortTimeout = GenericTimeout< Clock, ShortDuration >
using modm::Timeout = GenericTimeout< Clock, Duration >
 Software timeout for up to 49 days with millisecond resolution.
using modm::ShortPreciseTimeout = GenericTimeout< PreciseClock, ShortPreciseDuration >
 Software timeout for up to 65 milliseconds with microsecond resolution.
using modm::PreciseTimeout = GenericTimeout< PreciseClock, PreciseDuration >
 Software timeout for up to 71 minutes with microsecond resolution.
using modm::ShortDuration = std::chrono::duration< uint16_t, std::milli >
 16bit duration, which can hold up to 65 seconds at millisecond resolution.
using modm::Duration = std::chrono::duration< uint32_t, std::milli >
 32bit duration, which can hold up to 49 days at millisecond resolution.
using modm::ShortPreciseDuration = std::chrono::duration< uint16_t, std::micro >
 16bit precise duration, which can hold up to 65 milliseconds at microsecond resolution.
using modm::PreciseDuration = std::chrono::duration< uint32_t, std::micro >
 32bit precise duration, which can hold up to 71 minutes at microsecond resolution.
using modm::ShortTimestamp = std::chrono::time_point< modm::chrono::milli_clock, ShortDuration >
 16bit time point, which can hold up to 65 seconds at millisecond resolution.
using modm::Timestamp = modm::chrono::milli_clock::time_point
 32bit time point, which can hold up to 49 days at millisecond resolution.
using modm::ShortPreciseTimestamp = std::chrono::time_point< modm::chrono::micro_clock, ShortPreciseDuration >
 16bit precise time point, which can hold up to 65 milliseconds at microsecond resolution.
using modm::PreciseTimestamp = modm::chrono::micro_clock::time_point
 32bit precise time point, which can hold up to 71 minutes at microsecond resolution.

Detailed Description

lbuild module: modm:processing:timer

This module provides polling based software timers for executing code after a delay or periodically in millisecond resolution via modm::Clock and in microsecond resolution via modm::PreciseClock.

To delay or delegate execution to the future, you can use modm::Timeout to set a duration after which the timeout expires and executes your code:

modm::Timeout timeout{100ms};
while (not timeout.isExpired()) ;
// your code after a delay

However, this construct is not very useful, particularly since you could also simply use modm::delay(100ms) for this, so instead use the execute() method to poll non-blockingly for expiration:

modm::Timeout timeout{100ms};
void update()
if (timeout.execute())
// your code after a expiration
// You must call the update() function in your main loop now!
int main()

The execute() method returns true only once after expiration, so it can be continuously polled somewhere in your code. A more comfortable use-case is to use a modm::Timeout inside a class that needs to provide some asynchronous method for timekeeping:

class DelayEvents
modm::Timeout timeout;
void event() { timeout.restart(100ms); }
void update()
if (timeout.execute()) {
// delegated code here

However, for more complex use-cases, these classes are intended to be used with fibers (from module modm:processing:fiber) to implement non-blocking delays.

modm::Fiber fiber_timeout([]
modm::Timeout timeout(100ms);
// NOTE: for such simple delays, use the built-in fiber sleep function!

For periodic timeouts, you could simply restart the timeout, however, the restart() method schedules a timeout from the current time onwards:

modm::Timeout timeout(100ms);
modm::Fiber fiber_timeout([]
timeout.wait(); // yields fiber until timeout
// delayed code introduces latency
timeout.restart(); // restarts but with *current* time@

This can lead to longer period than required, particularly in a system that has a lot to do and cannot service every timeout immediately. The solution is to use a modm::PeriodicTimer, which only reimplements the wait() method to automatically restart the timer, by adding the interval to the old time, thus keeping the period accurate:

modm::PeriodicTimer timer{100ms};
modm::Fiber fiber_timer([]
timer.wait(); // automatically restarts
// code can take up to 100ms, but timer period won't drift

The wait() method actually returns the number of missed periods, so that in a heavily congested system you do not need to keep track of time yourself. This can be particularly useful when dealing with soft real-time physical systems like LED animations or control loops:

modm::PeriodicTimer timer{1ms}; // render at 1kHz ideally
modm::Fiber fiber_timer([]
// call only once regardless of the number of periods
animation.step(timer.wait()); // still compute the missing steps
animation.render(); // but only render once please
// or alternatively to call the code the number of missed periods
for (auto periods{timer.wait()}; periods; periods--)
// periods is decreasing!
// This is fine, since execute() is evaluated only once!
for (auto periods : modm::range(timer.wait()))
// periods is increasing!
// THIS WILL NOT WORK, since execute() reschedules itself immediately!
for (auto periods{0}; periods < timer.wait(); periods++)
// called at most only once@periods == 0 always!
DO NOT use for hard real time systems! You are responsible for polling these timers execute() methods as often as required. If you need to meet hard real time deadlines these are not the timers you are looking for!
Timers are stopped by default! If you want to start a timer at construction time, give the constructor a duration. Duration Zero will expire the timer immediately


Two timer resolutions are available, using modm::Clock for milliseconds and modm::PreciseClock for microseconds. They follow the same naming scheme:

If you deal with short time periods, you can save a little memory by using the 16-bit versions of the same timers:

Typedef Documentation

Software timeout for up to 65 seconds with millisecond resolution.

Extra care must be taken when not calling the isExpired() method for more than 65 seconds. Due to an overflow in the implementation this might add an additional delay of up to 65s ticks in the worst case. Always call restart() before reusing the timer to avoid this behaviour.

If you need a longer time period, use Timeout.