modm API documentation



Detailed Description

lbuild module: modm:freertos

Amazon FreeRTOS is an open source, real-time operating system (RTOS) for microcontrollers in small, low-power devices.

This module provides the latest FreeRTOS LTS release integrated with modm:

Note that we recommend using the FreeRTOS API directly and only if you write threaded code that also runs on other platforms (x86 simulators for example) should you consider using the API defined in modm:processing:rtos module.


This module generates a FreeRTOSConfig.h config file for modm integration with these settings:

In addition we define these overwritable default settings:

All other config settings are unchanged by modm and are defaulted by FreeRTOS itself, please refer to the FreeRTOS Config documentation to understand what each of these do.

To change a configuration setting, define a <FreeRTOSConfigLocal.h> file, which is included before the optional settings, so you can overwrite them easily.

An example <FreeRTOSConfigLocal.h> file:

// Use a bigger minimal stack size
#define configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE 256
// Longer timer queue
#define configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH 20

Module Options

modm:freertos:frequency: Context switch frequency in Hz

Generated with: 1000 in [4 ... 1000]