modm API documentation
modm::platform::UartHal4 Class Reference

#include <modm/platform/uart/uart_hal_4.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for modm::platform::UartHal4:

Public Types

enum  Interrupt : uint32_t { Interrupt::ParityError = USART_CR1_PEIE, Interrupt::TxEmpty = USART_CR1_TXEIE, Interrupt::TxComplete = USART_CR1_TCIE, Interrupt::RxNotEmpty = USART_CR1_RXNEIE }
enum  InterruptFlag : uint32_t {
  InterruptFlag::TxEmpty = USART_SR_TXE, InterruptFlag::TxComplete = USART_SR_TC, InterruptFlag::RxNotEmpty = USART_SR_RXNE, InterruptFlag::OverrunError = USART_SR_ORE,
  InterruptFlag::FramingError = USART_SR_FE, InterruptFlag::ParityError = USART_SR_PE
enum  LastBitClockPulse : uint32_t { DoNotOutput = 0b0, Output = USART_CR2_LBCL }
enum  Parity : uint32_t { Disabled = 0, Even = USART_CR1_PCE, Odd = USART_CR1_PCE | USART_CR1_PS }
enum  SpiClock : uint32_t { Disabled = 0b0, Enabled = USART_CR2_CLKEN }
enum  SpiDataMode : uint32_t { Mode0 = 0b00, Mode1 = USART_CR2_CPHA, Mode2 = USART_CR2_CPOL, Mode3 = USART_CR2_CPOL | USART_CR2_CPHA }
enum  WordLength : uint32_t { Bit8 = 0, Bit9 = USART_CR1_M }

Public Member Functions

 MODM_FLAGS32 (Interrupt)
 MODM_FLAGS32 (InterruptFlag)

Static Public Member Functions

static void enable ()
static void disable ()
 Disables the hw module (by disabling its clock line)
static void enableOperation ()
 Set the UE (USART enable) bit.
static void disableOperation ()
 Clear the UE (USART enable) bit.
template<class SystemClock , baudrate_t baudrate, percent_t tolerance>
static void initialize (Parity parity, WordLength length)
static void write (uint16_t data)
 Write a single byte to the transmit register. More...
static void read (uint8_t &data)
static void read (uint16_t &data)
static void setTransmitterEnable (bool enable)
static void setReceiverEnable (bool enable)
static bool isReceiveRegisterNotEmpty ()
 Returns true if data has been received.
static bool isTransmitRegisterEmpty ()
 Returns true if data can be written.
static bool isTransmissionComplete ()
 Returns true if the transmission of a frame containing data is complete.
static void enableInterruptVector (bool enable, uint32_t priority)
static void enableInterrupt (Interrupt_t interrupt)
static void disableInterrupt (Interrupt_t interrupt)
static void setInterruptPriority (uint32_t priority)
static InterruptFlag_t getInterruptFlags ()
static void acknowledgeInterruptFlags (InterruptFlag_t flags)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr bool isExtended = false
static const Peripheral UartPeripheral = Peripheral::Uart4
static modm::inplace_function< bool (bool)> InterruptCallback

Detailed Description

Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UartHal4)

Not available on the low- and medium density devices.

Very basic implementation that exposes more hardware features than the regular Usart classes.

Kevin Laeufer

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum modm::platform::UartBase::Interrupt : uint32_t
Enum ValuesDocumentation

Call interrupt when a parity error occurred.


Call interrupt when transmit register is empty (i.e. the byte has been transfered to the shift out register.


Called when the byte was completely transmitted.


Call interrupt when char received (RXNE) or overrun occurred (ORE)

enum modm::platform::UartBase::InterruptFlag : uint32_t
Enum ValuesDocumentation

Set if the transmit data register is empty.


Set if the transmission is complete.


Set if the receive data register is not empty.


Set if receive register was not cleared.


Set if a de-synchronization, excessive noise or a break character is detected.


Set if a parity error was detected.

Member Function Documentation

static void modm::platform::UartHal4::enable ( )

Enables the clock, resets the hardware

Call enableOperation() to start the peripheral!
template<class SystemClock , baudrate_t baudrate, percent_t tolerance>
static void modm::platform::UartHal4::initialize ( Parity  parity,
WordLength  length 
Call enableOperation() after this to start the peripheral!
static void modm::platform::UartHal4::read ( uint8_t &  data)

Saves the value of the receive register to data

This method does NOT do any sanity checks!! It is your responsibility to check if the register contains something useful!
static void modm::platform::UartHal4::write ( uint16_t  data)

Write a single byte to the transmit register.

This method does NOT do any sanity checks!! It is your responsibility to check if the register is empty!

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