modm API documentation
modm::ads816x< SpiMaster, Cs > Class Template Reference

#include <modm/driver/adc/ads816x.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for modm::ads816x< SpiMaster, Cs >:
modm::SpiDevice< SpiMaster > modm::NestedResumable< 3 >

Public Types

enum  Register : uint16_t {
  REG_ACCESS = 0x000, PD_CNTL = 0x004, SDI_CNTL = 0x008, SDO_CNTL1 = 0x00C,
  SDO_CNTL2 = 0x00D, SDO_CNTL3 = 0x00E, SDO_CNTL4 = 0x00F, DATA_CNTL = 0x010,
  PARITY_CNTL = 0x011, OFST_CAL = 0x018, REF_MRG1 = 0x019, REF_MRG2 = 0x01A,
  REFby2_MRG = 0x01B, AIN_CFG = 0x024, COM_CFG = 0x027, DEVICE_CFG = 0x01C,
  CHANNEL_ID = 0x01D, SEQ_START = 0x01E, SEQ_STOP = 0x01F, ON_THE_FLY_CFG = 0x02A,
  AUTO_SEQ_CFG1 = 0x080, AUTO_SEQ_CFG2 = 0x082
enum  Command : uint8_t {
  NoOperation = 0b00000 << 3, Write = 0b00001 << 3, Read = 0b00010 << 3, SetBits = 0b00011 << 3,
  ClearBits = 0b00100 << 3
enum  Mode : uint8_t { Manual = 0b00, OnTheFly = 0b01, AutoSequence = 0b10, CustomSequence = 0b11 }
enum  DataFormat : uint8_t { OnlyResult = (0b00 << 4), ResultChannel = (0b01 << 4), ResultChannelStatus = (0b10 << 4) }

Public Member Functions

 Ads816x () = default
modm::ResumableResult< void > initialize (Mode mode=Mode::Manual)
modm::ResumableResult< uint16_t > manualModeConversion (uint8_t afterNextChannel)
void setTConv (modm::ShortPreciseDuration t)
void attachConfigurationHandler (Spi::ConfigurationHandler handler)

Protected Member Functions

bool acquireMaster ()
bool releaseMaster ()
modm::ResumableResult< ReturnType > resumable function (...)
int8_t getResumableDepth () const
bool isResumableRunning () const
void stopResumable ()
 Force all resumable functions to stop running at the current nesting level.

Detailed Description

template<typename SpiMaster, typename Cs>
class modm::ads816x< SpiMaster, Cs >

Template Parameters
SpiMasterSpiMaster interface
CsChip-select pin
Raphael Lehmann

Member Function Documentation

modm::ResumableResult< ReturnType > resumable modm::NestedResumable< 1 >::function (   ...)

Run the resumable function.

You need to implement this method in you subclass yourself.

>NestingError if still running, <=NestingError if it has finished.
int8_t modm::NestedResumable< 1 >::getResumableDepth ( ) const
the nesting depth in the current resumable function, or -1 if called outside any resumable function
template<typename SpiMaster , typename Cs >
modm::ResumableResult<void> modm::ads816x< SpiMaster, Cs >::initialize ( Mode  mode = Mode::Manual)

Call this function before using the device or to change operation mode

Only Mode::Manual is currently supported!
bool modm::NestedResumable< 1 >::isResumableRunning ( ) const
true if a resumable function is running at the current nesting level, else false
template<typename SpiMaster , typename Cs >
modm::ResumableResult<uint16_t> modm::ads816x< SpiMaster, Cs >::manualModeConversion ( uint8_t  afterNextChannel)

Initiate a single conversion and return the result of the conversion. Simultanously the channel for the after next conversion will be set, i.e. before reading the first valid data two dummy conversions have to be executed.

template<typename SpiMaster , typename Cs >
void modm::ads816x< SpiMaster, Cs >::setTConv ( modm::ShortPreciseDuration  t)

Set T_CONV (minimal) value. According to the datasheet 660ns (-> 1us) for ADS8168, 1200ns (-> 2us) for ADS8167 and 2500ns (3us) for ADS8166 are the minimal values. Defaults to 3us, which works for all variants of the chip.

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