enum | Transfer : uint8_t { COMMAND_BURST = 0x00,
DATA_BURST = 0x40,
COMMAND = 0x80,
DATA = 0xC0
} |
enum | FundamentalCommands : uint8_t {
ContrastControl = 0x81,
EntireDisplayResumeToRam = 0xA4,
EntireDisplayIgnoreRam = 0xA5,
NormalDisplay = 0xA6,
InvertedDisplay = 0xA7,
DisplayOff = 0xAE,
DisplayOn = 0xAF
} |
enum | AdressingCommands : uint8_t {
MemoryMode = 0x20,
ColumnAddress = 0x21,
PageAddress = 0x22,
PageStartAddress = 0xB0,
LowerColumnStartAddress = 0x00,
HigherColumnStartAddress = 0x10
} |
enum | HardwareConfigCommands : uint8_t {
DisplayStartLine = 0x40,
SegmentRemap0 = 0xA0,
SegmentRemap127 = 0xA1,
MultiplexRatio = 0xA8,
ComOutputScanDirectionIncrement = 0xC0,
ComOutputScanDirectionDecrement = 0xC8,
DisplayOffset = 0xD3,
ComPinsOrder = 0xDA
} |
enum | ScrollingCommands : uint8_t {
HorizontalScrollRight = 0x26,
HorizontalScrollLeft = 0x27,
VerticalAndHorizontalScrollRight = 0x29,
VerticalAndHorizontalScrollLeft = 0x2A,
VerticalScrollArea = 0xA3,
DisableScroll = 0x2E,
EnableScroll = 0x2F
} |
enum | MemoryMode : uint8_t { HORIZONTAL = 0,
PAGE = 2
} |
enum | TimingAndDrivingCommands : uint8_t {
ChargePump = 0x8D,
DisplayClockDivideRatio = 0xD5,
PreChargePeriod = 0xD9,
V_DeselectLevel = 0xDB,
Nop = 0xE3
} |
enum | ChargePump : uint8_t { DISABLE = 0x00,
V7_5 = 0x14,
V8_5 = 0x94,
V9 = 0x95
} |
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