modm API documentation
modm::platform::AdcInterrupt Class Reference

#include <modm/platform/adc/adc_interrupt.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for modm::platform::AdcInterrupt:
modm::platform::Adc modm::AdcInterrupt modm::Adc modm::Adc modm::PeripheralDriver modm::PeripheralDriver

Public Typedefs

typedef uint8_t Channel

Public Types

enum  InterruptFlag : uint8_t { All = (1<<ADIF) }
enum  Reference : uint8_t {
  InternalVcc = 0, ExternalRef = (1 << REFS0), Internal1V1 = (1 << REFS1), Internal2V56 = (1 << REFS2) | (1 << REFS1),
  Internal2V56WithCap = (1 << REFS2) | (1 << REFS1) | (1 << REFS0)

Public Member Functions

 MODM_FLAGS8 (InterruptFlag)

Static Public Member Functions

static void attachInterruptHandler (Handler handler)
static void acknowledgeInterruptFlag ()
 Clears the interrupt flag.
static void acknowledgeInterruptFlags (const InterruptFlag_t flags)
 Clears the interrupt flag if flags is set to InterruptFlag::All
template<uint64_t available, uint64_t requested, percent_t tolerance>
static void assertBaudrateInTolerance ()
template<double available, double requested, percent_t tolerance>
static void assertDurationInTolerance ()
static void configurePurpose ()
 configures a peripheral for a specific purpose
template<class... Signals>
static void connect ()
static void diableFreeRunningMode ()
static void disable ()
static void disableAutoTrigger ()
 disable auto triggering of the ADC
static void disableFreeRunningMode ()
static void disableInterrupt ()
 Disables the ADC Conversion Complete Interrupt.
static void enableAutoTrigger ()
static void enableFreeRunningMode ()
static void enableInterrupt ()
 Enables the ADC Conversion Complete Interrupt.
static uint8_t getChannel ()
static bool getInterruptFlag ()
static InterruptFlag_t getInterruptFlags ()
static void getParameter ()
 returns a parameter
static uint16_t getValue ()
template<class SystemClock , frequency_t frequency = kHz(100), percent_t tolerance = pct(10)>
static void initialize ()
static bool isConversionFinished ()
static uint16_t readChannel (Channel channel)
static void setAutoTriggerSource (uint8_t source)
static bool setChannel (Channel channel)
static void setLeftAdjustResult ()
static void setParameter ()
 sets a parameter
static void setReference (Reference reference)
static void setRightAdjustResult ()
static void startConversion ()
template<uint64_t available, uint64_t requested, percent_t tolerance>
static void assertBaudrateInTolerance ()
template<double available, double requested, percent_t tolerance>
static void assertDurationInTolerance ()
static void configurePurpose ()
 configures a peripheral for a specific purpose
static void disableFreeRunningMode ()
static void getParameter ()
 returns a parameter
static void setParameter ()
 sets a parameter

Static Public Attributes

static Handler handler
static constexpr uint8_t Resolution = 10

Protected Typedefs

typedef void (* Handler) ()

Detailed Description

Niklas Hauser

Member Function Documentation

template<uint64_t available, uint64_t requested, percent_t tolerance>
static void modm::PeripheralDriver::assertBaudrateInTolerance ( )

Since baudrates are usually generated by prescaling a system clock, only several distinct values can be generated. This method checks if the user requested baudrate is within error tolerance of the system achievable baudrate.

template<uint64_t available, uint64_t requested, percent_t tolerance>
static void modm::PeripheralDriver::assertBaudrateInTolerance ( )

Since baudrates are usually generated by prescaling a system clock, only several distinct values can be generated. This method checks if the user requested baudrate is within error tolerance of the system achievable baudrate.

static void modm::Adc::disableFreeRunningMode ( )

Disables free running mode

The ADC will do only one sample and stop. The result will be in the ADC register.

static void modm::Adc::disableFreeRunningMode ( )

Disables free running mode

The ADC will do only one sample and stop. The result will be in the ADC register.

static void modm::platform::Adc::enableAutoTrigger ( )

Enable auto triggering of the ADC

The ADC will start a conversion on a positive edge of the selected trigger signal.

See also
static bool modm::platform::Adc::getInterruptFlag ( )
true if the conversion complete flag is set, false otherwise
static InterruptFlag_t modm::platform::Adc::getInterruptFlags ( )
InterruptFlag::All if the flag is set, 0 otherwise
static uint16_t modm::platform::Adc::readChannel ( Channel  channel)

Read the value an analog channel

A normal conversion takes 13 ADC clock cycles. With a clock frequency of for example 200 kHz a conversion therefore needs 65 microseconds. This time increases with a lower frequency.

static void modm::platform::Adc::setAutoTriggerSource ( uint8_t  source)

Selects which source will trigger an ADC conversion

A conversion will be triggered by the rising edge of the selected Interrupt Flag. Note that switching from a trigger source that is cleared to a trigger source that is set, will generate a positive edge on the trigger signal. Set to 0 to enable Free Running Mode.

static void modm::platform::Adc::setReference ( Reference  reference)

Voltage reference for the ADC

The internal voltage reference options may not be used if an external reference voltage is being applied to the AREF pin.

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