modm API documentation
modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy > Member List

This is the complete list of members for modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >, including all inherited members.

CadSymbolNumber enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
Irq enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
MODM_FLAGS16(Irq) (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
MODM_FLAGS8(SleepConfig) (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
Opcode enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
PacketType enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
PeriodBase enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
RampTime enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
RangingRole enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
Register enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
RegulatorMode enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
SleepConfig enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
StandbyConfig enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
Sx128x() = default (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >default
UartDividerRatio enum name (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >strong
clearIrqStatus(Irq_t irqMask)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
frequencyLsb (defined in modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >staticconstexpr
getIrqStatus(Irq_t *irqStatus)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
getPacketStatus(PacketStatus *packetStatus)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
getPacketType(PacketType *packetType)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
getRssiInst(uint8_t *rssiInst)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
getRxBufferStatus(RxBufferStatus *rxBufferStatus)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
getStatus(Status *status)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
isBusy()modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
readBuffer(uint8_t offset, std::span< uint8_t > data)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
readRegister(Register reg, uint8_t *data)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
readRegister(Register reg, std::span< uint8_t > data)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
reset()modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setAdvancedRanging(bool enable=true)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setAutoFs(bool enable=true)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setAutoTx(uint16_t time)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setBufferBaseAddress(uint8_t txBaseAddress, uint8_t rxBaseAddress)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setCad()modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setCadParams(CadSymbolNumber cadSymbolNumber)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setDioIrqParams(Irq_t irqMask, Irq_t dio1Mask=Irq_t (), Irq_t dio2Mask=Irq_t (), Irq_t dio3Mask=Irq_t ())modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setFs()modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setLongPreamble(bool enable=true)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setModulationParams(ModulationParams modulationParams)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setPacketParams(PacketParams packetParams)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setPacketType(PacketType packetType)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setRangingRole(RangingRole rangingRole)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setRegulatorMode(RegulatorMode regModeParam)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setRfFrequency(uint32_t rfFrequency)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setRx(PeriodBase periodBase, uint16_t periodBaseCount)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setRxDutyCycle(PeriodBase periodBase, uint16_t rxPeriodBaseCount, uint16_t sleepPeriodBaseCount)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setSaveContext()modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setSleep(SleepConfig_t sleepConfig)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setStandby(StandbyConfig standbyConfig=StandbyConfig::StdbyRc)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setTx(PeriodBase periodBase, uint16_t periodBaseCount)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setTxContinuousPreamble()modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setTxContinuousWave()modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setTxParams(uint8_t power, RampTime rampTime)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
setUartSpeed(UartDividerRatio uartDividerRatio)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
writeBuffer(uint8_t offset, std::span< const uint8_t > data)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
writeRegister(Register reg, uint8_t data)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >
writeRegister(Register reg, std::span< const uint8_t > data)modm::Sx128x< Transport, Reset, Busy >