modm API documentation
This is the complete list of members for modm::SiemensS65Portrait< SPI, CS, RS, Reset >, including all inherited members.
GraphicDisplay() (defined in modm::GraphicDisplay) | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
IOStream(IODevice &odevice) | modm::IOStream | inline |
ascii() | modm::IOStream | inline |
bin() | modm::IOStream | inline |
buffer (defined in modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 >) | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 > | protected |
clear() final | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 > | finalvirtual |
clearPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y) final | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 > | finalvirtual |
MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 >::clearPixel(glcd::Point p) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
cursor (defined in modm::GraphicDisplay) | modm::GraphicDisplay | protected |
drawCircle(glcd::Point center, uint16_t radius) | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
drawCircle4(glcd::Point center, int16_t x, int16_t y) | modm::GraphicDisplay | protected |
drawEllipse(glcd::Point center, int16_t rx, int16_t ry) | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
drawHorizontalLine(glcd::Point start, uint16_t length) final (defined in modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 >) | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 > | finalprotectedvirtual |
drawImage(glcd::Point start, modm::accessor::Flash< uint8_t > image) | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
drawImageRaw(glcd::Point start, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, modm::accessor::Flash< uint8_t > data) final | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 > | finalvirtual |
drawLine(glcd::Point start, glcd::Point end) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
drawLine(int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2) | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
drawRectangle(glcd::Point start, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
drawRectangle(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
drawRoundedRectangle(glcd::Point start, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t radius) | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
drawVerticalLine(glcd::Point start, uint16_t length) final (defined in modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 >) | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 > | finalprotectedvirtual |
endl() (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
eof (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | staticconstexpr |
fillCircle(glcd::Point center, uint16_t radius) | modm::GraphicDisplay | virtual |
fillRectangle(glcd::Point start, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
fillRectangle(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
flush() (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
font (defined in modm::GraphicDisplay) | modm::GraphicDisplay | protected |
get(char &c) | modm::IOStream | inline |
get(char *s, size_t n) | modm::IOStream | |
get(char (&s)[N]) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
getBufferHeight() const final | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 > | inlinefinalvirtual |
getBufferWidth() const final | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 > | inlinefinalvirtual |
getCursor() const (defined in modm::GraphicDisplay) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
getFontHeight() const | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
getFontHeight(const modm::accessor::Flash< uint8_t > *font) (defined in modm::GraphicDisplay) | modm::GraphicDisplay | static |
getHeight() const final | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 > | inlinefinalvirtual |
getPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y) const final (defined in modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 >) | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 > | finalvirtual |
getStringWidth(const char *s) const | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
getStringWidth(const char *s, const modm::accessor::Flash< uint8_t > *font) (defined in modm::GraphicDisplay) | modm::GraphicDisplay | static |
getWidth() const final | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 > | inlinefinalvirtual |
hex() | modm::IOStream | inline |
initialize() (defined in modm::SiemensS65Portrait< SPI, CS, RS, Reset >) | modm::SiemensS65Portrait< SPI, CS, RS, Reset > | |
lcdCls(uint16_t colour) (defined in modm::SiemensS65Common< SPI, CS, RS, Reset >) | modm::SiemensS65Common< SPI, CS, RS, Reset > | protected |
lcdSettings(bool landscape) (defined in modm::SiemensS65Common< SPI, CS, RS, Reset >) | modm::SiemensS65Common< SPI, CS, RS, Reset > | protected |
operator<<(const bool &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | |
operator<<(const char &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const uint8_t &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const int16_t &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const uint16_t &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const int32_t &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const uint32_t &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const int64_t &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const uint64_t &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const int &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const unsigned int &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const float &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const double &v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const char *s) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const std::string_view sv) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(const void *p) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(Ret (*pointer)(Args...)) | modm::IOStream | inline |
operator<<(IOStream &(*format)(IOStream &)) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inline |
printf(const char *fmt,...))) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | |
setCursor(glcd::Point position) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
setCursor(int16_t x, int16_t y) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
setCursorX(int16_t x) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
setCursorY(int16_t y) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
setFont(const uint8_t *newFont) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
setFont(const modm::accessor::Flash< uint8_t > *font) (defined in modm::GraphicDisplay) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
setPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y) final | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 > | finalvirtual |
MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 >::setPixel(glcd::Point p) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inline |
update() | modm::SiemensS65Portrait< SPI, CS, RS, Reset > | virtual |
MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 >::update() = 0 | modm::GraphicDisplay | pure virtual |
vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list vlist))) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | |
write(char c) | modm::GraphicDisplay | |
writeBin(uint8_t value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | protected |
writeCmd(uint8_t reg, uint16_t param) (defined in modm::SiemensS65Common< SPI, CS, RS, Reset >) | modm::SiemensS65Common< SPI, CS, RS, Reset > | protected |
writeData(uint16_t param) (defined in modm::SiemensS65Common< SPI, CS, RS, Reset >) | modm::SiemensS65Common< SPI, CS, RS, Reset > | protected |
writeDouble(const double &value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | protected |
writeFloat(float value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inlineprotected |
writeHex(uint8_t value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | protected |
writeInteger(int16_t value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | protected |
writeInteger(uint16_t value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | protected |
writeInteger(int32_t value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | protected |
writeInteger(uint32_t value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | protected |
writeInteger(int64_t value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | protected |
writeInteger(uint64_t value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | protected |
writeIntegerMode(const T v) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | inlineprotected |
writePointer(const void *value) (defined in modm::IOStream) | modm::IOStream | protected |
writeReg(uint8_t reg) (defined in modm::SiemensS65Common< SPI, CS, RS, Reset >) | modm::SiemensS65Common< SPI, CS, RS, Reset > | protected |
writer (defined in modm::GraphicDisplay) | modm::GraphicDisplay | protected |
~GraphicDisplay() (defined in modm::GraphicDisplay) | modm::GraphicDisplay | inlinevirtual |
~MonochromeGraphicDisplay() = default (defined in modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 >) | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplay< Width, Height, Width, Height/8 > | virtualdefault |
~MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical() = default (defined in modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 >) | modm::MonochromeGraphicDisplayVertical< 132, 176 > | virtualdefault |