modm API documentation
Documentation Generator

lbuild module: modm:docs

This module creates the documentation groups and hierarchy according to the modm module structure into modm/docs.

The documentation can be generated using Doxygen or Doxypress.


To generate the C++ documentation call Doxygen manually:

(cd modm/docs && doxygen doxyfile.cfg)

Then open modm/docs/html/index.html in your web browser of choice.


Install Doxypress.

To generate the C++ documentation call Doxypress:

(cd modm/docs && doxypress doxypress.json)

Then open modm/docs/html/index.html in your web browser of choice.

Module Options

modm:docs:enable_qch: Generate the Doxygen docs as Qt Help format (qch)

Generated with: no in [yes, no]