modm API documentation
modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS > Member List

This is the complete list of members for modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >, including all inherited members.

Matrix() = defaultmodm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >explicitconstexprdefault
Matrix(const T *data)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
addColumn(uint8_t index, const Matrix< T, ROWS, 1 > &c) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
addRow(uint8_t index, const Matrix< T, 1, COLUMNS > &r) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
asTransposed() const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
determinant() constmodm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >inline
element (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
getColumn(uint8_t index) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
getNumberOfColumns() const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >inline
getNumberOfRows() const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >inline
getRow(uint8_t index) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
hasInf() const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
hasNan() const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
identityMatrix()modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >static
operator!=(const Matrix &m) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator*(const T &rhs) constmodm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator*(const Matrix< T, COLUMNS, RHSCOL > &rhs) constmodm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator*=(const T &rhs)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator*=(const Matrix &rhs)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator+(const Matrix &rhs) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator+=(const Matrix &rhs) (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator-() (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator-(const Matrix &rhs) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator-=(const Matrix &rhs) (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator/(const T &rhs) constmodm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator/=(const T &rhs)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator==(const Matrix &m) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator[](uint8_t row) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
operator[](uint8_t row) (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
ptr() const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
ptr() (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
removeColumn(uint8_t index) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
removeRow(uint8_t index) const (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
replace(const U *data)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
replace(uint8_t row, uint8_t column, const Matrix< T, MW, MH > &m) (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
replaceColumn(uint8_t index, const Matrix< T, ROWS, 1 > &m) (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
replaceRow(uint8_t index, const Matrix< T, 1, COLUMNS > &m) (defined in modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >)modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
subMatrix(uint8_t row, uint8_t column) constmodm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >
transpose()modm::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLUMNS >inline